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Be Relaxed!

Be Relaxed!

Be Relaxed!

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Be Relaxed!

Statystyki kanału Be Relaxed!

  • ilość subskrypcji: 43600
  • ilość opublikowanych filmów: 561
  • ilość wyświetleń: 5702579

    Opis kanału:

    Welcome to Be Relaxed - the most relaxing YouTube channel.

    You can find here videos with high-quality relaxing music, perfect for meditation, SPA, study, sleeping and relaxation. Soothing tunes will calm your body and mind from tension and stress, which are an integral part of everyday life. Relaxing music is a great way to clear your mind with the sheer volume of thoughts, so it is worth to include it in your playlist each day. Be Relaxed channel is a place where you can find peace by immersing yourself in delicate sounds with unique music therapeutic properties.

    Relax with Be Relaxed! 🧘

    zródło - kanał Be Relaxed! w serwisie YouTube

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