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Bm1113 - Heavy equipment videos!

Bm1113 - Heavy equipment videos!

Bm1113 - Heavy equipment videos!

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Bm1113 - Heavy equipment videos!

Statystyki kanału Bm1113 - Heavy equipment videos!

  • ilość subskrypcji: 33700
  • ilość opublikowanych filmów: 1224
  • ilość wyświetleń: 36513381

    Opis kanału:

    ~Heavy equipment videos! from northern Sweden ~
    The channel for you with an interest in earth moving machines, trucks and other heavy equipment! And of course snow and snow removal!
    I have always the camera ready, not to miss an opportunity to a nice film or a picture.
    Mostly, I film in the north of Sweden but sometimes on other places too, so if you\'re interested - keep an eye on my channel and the BM&Rille Facebook page i have together with RilleS88.

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