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Flavored Gumball

Flavored Gumball

Flavored Gumball

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Flavored Gumball

Statystyki kanału Flavored Gumball

  • ilość subskrypcji: 36300
  • ilość opublikowanych filmów: 20
  • ilość wyświetleń: 2216720

    Opis kanału:

    Welcome to my Youtube channel.

    First off I want to say hello, what you see here is my pride and joy, in another words my channel.
    What I do here are Cartoons, Anime, and Gaming videos.
    I try to upload videos regularly. but sometimes there is more, sometimes there is less uploads

    Currently my plans are to make my channel varied, more fun, and more supportive for other people (Collabs).
    Beside that I also do livestreams, and I try to be active on community tab.

    If you want to help me keeping this channel alive, you can donate me here! https://streamlabs.com/flavoredgumball

    zródło - kanał Flavored Gumball w serwisie YouTube

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