Ranking YouTube

Najbardziej kompletny spis kanałów Youtube w Polsce.

Na stronie vlogi.info znajdziesz zawierający prawie 50000 pozycji ranking polskich kanałów na youtube. Znajdziesz również spisy tematyczne kanałów oraz zestawienie kanałów ukraińskich i szwedzkich.




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  • ilość subskrypcji: 34500
  • ilość opublikowanych filmów: 502
  • ilość wyświetleń: 15899762

    Opis kanału:

    Greetings, and welcome to my channel. This is my channel description. My name is Richard Ljungberg, but I also go by Fleskhjerta on the internet. I am a Swedish-Japanese, old-timer Youtuber who makes videos out of pure enjoyment, and making the viewer\'s lives at much better as I can. I mostly focuses on Random videos and Mario 64 Machinimas, but I do other kinds of videos of other games as well. I also was pretty well known in the online building game, Roblox. However, I don\'t play the game often anymore. Only sometimes stream the game with friends, as I find the game pretty boring nowadays. Feel free to check out my content, but a fair warning. My older stuff defines the definition \"cringe\". You have been warned. Thank you for stopping by.

    zródło - kanał Fleskhjerta w serwisie YouTube

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