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Mobile Dwellings

Mobile Dwellings

Mobile Dwellings

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Mobile Dwellings

Statystyki kanału Mobile Dwellings

  • ilość subskrypcji: 298000
  • ilość opublikowanych filmów: 253
  • ilość wyświetleń: 55920868

    Opis kanału:

    Get help with your build at skooliesupport.com

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    Mobile Dwellings, formerly known as Gilligan Phantom started as a family chasing their dreams of living nomadically. Justin, Val and newborn baby Nova set off to convert a 40 foot rare school bus known as a \"Gillig Phantom\" into a luxurious home on wheels in late 2017. After 2 years of building they set off on an epic 3 year adventure traveling both coasts of the USA while pausing first to complete a bus conversion for their friends Katy and Sam and then again to have their second daughter, River.

    During their travels Val, Justin, Nova and River were inspired by the stories of their fellow nomads and have now set out to share their stories with you. If you believe that your dreams are possible as a result of seeing others walk alternative paths unique solely to them, well then our mission is accomplished.

    Get one on one help with your bus conversion: http://www.skooliesupport.com

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