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Statystyki kanału Neodyinamite
- ilość subskrypcji: 7580
- ilość opublikowanych filmów: 4890
- ilość wyświetleń: 3749404
Opis kanału:
Hello everybody, I\'m Neodyinamite and Welcome to my channel.
Need to reach out? neodyinamite(at)
-= Who I am ? =-
I\'m a long time PC player, I play games since I was 6y old. Starting on old Amiga and Commodore ( THANK YOU DAD FOR GETTING THIS STUFF!!! ).
Dune II, Settlers 1 and Lotus. Those 3 games have been and always will be deep in my memory. ツ
Time goes on and I play more and more, Soo i decided why not to make a channel and see can I make entertaining LPs. So far I did only collect vast amount of save games, Yeah I collect save games from all the ones I finished. I have around 21 GB of save games: RPG, RTS, FPS, Sandbox, Indy almost everything expect Sport/dance fight games.
-= Goals =-
Own ice cream line.
and I\'m always open for suggestions! Soo don\'t by shy ツ
zródło - kanał Neodyinamite w serwisie YouTube