Ranking YouTube

Najbardziej kompletny spis kanałów Youtube w Polsce.

Na stronie vlogi.info znajdziesz zawierający prawie 50000 pozycji ranking polskich kanałów na youtube. Znajdziesz również spisy tematyczne kanałów oraz zestawienie kanałów ukraińskich i szwedzkich.




Dane z symbolem "*" są opracowane przez vlogi.info i nie pochodzą z serwisu YouTube.

  • ilość subskrypcji: 866000
  • ilość opublikowanych filmów: 1261
  • ilość wyświetleń: 608868567

    Opis kanału:

    Hi there, thanks for checking out my channel!

    I am Spuzie, a curly gamer from Sweden! I started making YouTube videos back in 2011 and since 2013 I\'ve worked with it full time. You can catch me livestreaming over at Twitch every weekday and for highlights and vlogs check out either one of my two channels here on YouTube! I\'ve never been a \"pro\" at any game but if I had one strength, I\'d like to think it\'s that I can make you laugh.

    I got started with League of Legends and have since then moved on to other games! Sometimes I play solo and sometimes with my friends from the CG community! I also love sharing some of my other interests outside of gaming with my viewers! Boardgames, cooking and traveling to mention a few!

    If you wanna tag along, subscribe to the channel! We always have room for one more in this community and I am sure you\'d love it here ♥ :)

    Box 4184
    102 64 Stockholm

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