Ranking YouTube

Najbardziej kompletny spis kanałów Youtube w Polsce.

Na stronie vlogi.info znajdziesz zawierający prawie 50000 pozycji ranking polskich kanałów na youtube. Znajdziesz również spisy tematyczne kanałów oraz zestawienie kanałów ukraińskich i szwedzkich.




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  • ilość subskrypcji: 103000
  • ilość opublikowanych filmów: 520
  • ilość wyświetleń: 31601767

    Opis kanału:

    Mainly focusing on World of Warcraft. Soloing, guides, PvP, exploration etc, have a look if you wish!
    Other games I enjoy playing from time to time, but doesn\'t make any videos about right now are:
    Dead by Daylight, H1Z1, Hearthstone, Overwatch.

    About me:
    I am a 25 years old from Sweden, main enjoyments come from gaming and gym.
    Been playing World of Warcraft since I were 11, (early wotlk). Favorite expansion is probably Mists of Pandaria (probably because that was the time I started to feel \"skilled\").
    Really like to try new weird comps, playstyles etc, and finding out what works and what doesn\'t! Theorycrafting is a very fun part of World of Warcraft to me.
    Mainly a PvPer, Soloer and bug finding player, not that much into raiding (atleast not mythic difficulty).



    Rextroy - Argent Dawn (EU)
    Krypther- Outland (EU)

    If you feel like donating, you can do it here!

    zródło - kanał Rextroy w serwisie YouTube

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