Ranking YouTube

Najbardziej kompletny spis kanałów Youtube w Polsce.

Na stronie vlogi.info znajdziesz zawierający prawie 50000 pozycji ranking polskich kanałów na youtube. Znajdziesz również spisy tematyczne kanałów oraz zestawienie kanałów ukraińskich i szwedzkich.

Easy Polish

Easy Polish

Easy Polish

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Easy Polish

Statystyki kanału Easy Polish

  • ilość subskrypcji: 69000
  • ilość opublikowanych filmów: 503
  • ilość wyświetleń: 11454341

    Opis kanału:

    Learn Polish From the Streets of Poland With Easy Polish!

    Easy Polish is a project created to help you learn Polish in an authentic and fun way. We interview people in the streets of Katowice and other cities in Poland. All our videos have subtitles in Polish and English.

    Easy Polish is part of the global project Easy Languages. Our videos are produced regularly and get published twice a month, so feel free to subscribe to our channel to receive a notification whenever a new video is out. In the future, we also aim to produce weekly videos! 😃

    To deepen your learning experience with Easy Polish, we invite you to become a member of Easy Polish at
    👉https://www.easypolish.org/membership. As a member, you will receive transcripts, video downloads, exercises and other extras whenever a new video is out! 😃

    zródło - kanał Easy Polish w serwisie YouTube

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