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Taste of Power

Taste of Power

Taste of Power

Dane z symbolem "*" są opracowane przez vlogi.info i nie pochodzą z serwisu YouTube.

Taste of Power
  • ilość subskrypcji: 108
  • ilość opublikowanych filmów: 14
  • ilość wyświetleń: 46823

    Opis kanału:

    Taste of Power is a game in the genre of RTS. The basis of the game world is the era of the alternative Middle Ages: The world in which the lands of Europe and China are located close to each other. Due to this, a clash of cultures takes place here which did not happen in reality: crusaders in India, samurai in Scandinavia, saracens in China..

    zródło - kanał Taste of Power w serwisie YouTube

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