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Mechanical models WOODEN.CITY

Mechanical models WOODEN.CITY

Mechanical models WOODEN.CITY

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Mechanical models WOODEN.CITY

Statystyki kanału Mechanical models WOODEN.CITY

  • ilość subskrypcji: 5210
  • ilość opublikowanych filmów: 109
  • ilość wyświetleń: 1243282

    Opis kanału:

    Kinetic 3D puzzles made of wood – it is all “WOODEN.CITY”. The company designs and manufactures complex wooden mechanical models for self-assembly.

    The “WOODEN.CITY” brand represents a modern look of 3D puzzles assembled without glue. To assemble it, you do not need to cut, saw or glue anything. Everything you need to do is to press the details from the boards and assemble your model according to the instructions. The entire set of necessary elements of the puzzle is packed in the original wooden box.

    “WOODEN.СITY” may become your hobby and one of the opportunities for the development of logical thinking. At the same time it is an unusual piece of the interior of your house. The open mechanism consisting of the gears, at the start with a special key is trigged off by a rubber motor. And your model “comes to life”!

    “WOODEN.СITY” has been developed for those who appreciate interior design and love science.

    zródło - kanał Mechanical models WOODEN.CITY w serwisie YouTube