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Bjorn Fjellstad Nature & Travel Vlog

Bjorn Fjellstad Nature & Travel Vlog

Bjorn Fjellstad Nature & Travel Vlog

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Bjorn Fjellstad Nature & Travel Vlog

Statystyki kanału Bjorn Fjellstad Nature & Travel Vlog

  • ilość subskrypcji: 1910
  • ilość opublikowanych filmów: 89
  • ilość wyświetleń: 228773

    Opis kanału:

    I\'ve decided to change my channel name from Aussie Reflections to Bjorn Fjellstad Nature & Travel Vlog, to be more in line with me and what my channel is about. My channel is about anything nature related, like beautiful nature - animals - birds etc., but also historical places like buildings, landmarks, ancient important places and ruins.

    zródło - kanał Bjorn Fjellstad Nature & Travel Vlog w serwisie YouTube

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